Home > Artworks > Martha Corujedo del Valle

Photo of Martha Corujedo del Valle Mexico

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Corujedo Martha was born in Havana, Cuba, lives in Mexico since his arrival in 1962. From small shows a great interest in art and literature. At age 18, joins the team Misrachi Art Gallery, a leading Mexican galleries, located in Mexico City, where he made a successful career as a coordinator and promoting...

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Corujedo Martha was born in Havana, Cuba, lives in Mexico since his arrival in 1962. From small shows a great interest in art and literature. At age 18, joins the team Misrachi Art Gallery, a leading Mexican galleries, located in Mexico City, where he made a successful career as a coordinator and promoting individual and collective exhibitions, as well as socio-cultural activities for many years. By this means contact with the plastic and intellectual world and meet the most distinguished artists in both the rupture front and the Mexican School, with who sets great relations. The exchange of ideas, assimilation of proposals, planning and implementation of projects, consistent visual experience, the endless talks and readings, enrich their personal collection and are foreshadowing an inclination which subsequently lead to dabble in painting. Decides to withdraw from the gallery in 1991 for personal activities. The first years coordinates several exhibitions and helps organize an auction, studied translation and interpretation English-Spanish, participate in various writing workshops and after practicing the techniques needed writes fiction on their own, work that continues to play. In 2007-2008 as part of volunteering at the Museo Tamayo, and from 2009 to date, the Modern Art Museum of the City Mexico. In 1996 he began to study drawing under the direction of Maestro Roberto Ortega, with the aim of defining a theme that finally, after 2000, flows into "Scenarios", a title that includes a series of pastel works in which by lines and shapes emerge close to be built through the vision and bold and vibrant use of color. Fixtures, interior doors and windows, open spaces, suspended moments, evocative evidence of their presence before us.



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